11 research outputs found

    Analysis and use of the emotional context with wearable devices for games and intelligent assistants

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    In this paper, we consider the use of wearable sensors for providing affect-based adaptation in Ambient Intelligence (AmI) systems. We begin with discussion of selected issues regarding the applications of affective computing techniques. We describe our experiments for affect change detection with a range of wearable devices, such as wristbands and the BITalino platform, and discuss an original software solution, which we developed for this purpose. Furthermore, as a test-bed application for our work, we selected computer games. We discuss the state-of-the-art in affect-based adaptation in games, described in terms of the so-called affective loop. We present our original proposal of a conceptual design framework for games, called the affective game design patterns. As a proof-of-concept realization of this approach, we discuss some original game prototypes, which we have developed, involving emotion-based control and adaptation. Finally, we comment on a software framework, that we have previously developed, for context-aware systems which uses human emotional contexts. This framework provides means for implementing adaptive systems using mobile devices with wearable sensors

    Data set for comparison between two biosignals acquisition systems – BioNomadix and BITalino

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    Dane zostały zebrane w celu porównania jakości sygnału zbieranego przez dwa urządzenia – BITalino (Da Silva, Guerreiro, Lourenço, Fred, & Martins, 2014) i BioNomadix (BIOPAC Systems Inc., Goleta, CA, USA).The data was collected in order to compare quality of the signal acquired by two devices – BITalino (Da Silva, Guerreiro, Lourenço, Fred, & Martins, 2014) and BioNomadix (BIOPAC Systems Inc., Goleta, CA, USA)

    BIRAFFE : bio-reactions and faces for emotion-based personalization

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    In this paper we introduce the BIRAFFE data set which is the result of the experiment in affective computing we conducted in early 2019. The experiment is part of the work aimed at the development of computer models for emotion classification and recognition. We strongly believe that such models should be personalized by design as emotional responses of different persons are subject to individual differences due to their personality. In the experiment we assumed data fusion from both visual and audio stimuli both taken from standard public data bases (IADS and IAPS respectively). Moreover, we combined two paradigms. In the first one, subjects were exposed to stimuli, and later their bodily reactions (ECG, GSR, and face expression) were recorded. In the second one the subjects played basic computer games, with the same reactions constantly recorded. We decided to make the data set publicly available to the research community using the Zenodo platform. As such, the data set contributes to the development and replication of experiments in AfC

    Management of patients with COVID-19 in radiology departments, and indications regarding imaging studies : recommendations of the Polish Medical Society of Radiology

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    The pandemic involving COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, due to its severe symptoms and high transmission rate, has gone on to pose a control challenge for healthcare systems all around the world. We present the second version of the Recommendations of the Polish Medical Society of Radiology, presuming that our knowledge on COVID-19 will advance further rapidly, to the extent that further supplementation and modification will prove necessary. These Recommendations involve rules of conduct, procedures, and safety measures that should be introduced in radiology departments, as well as indications for imaging studies

    Studium wzorców afektywnych w grach komputerowych z wykorzystaniem danych fizjologicznych

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    Affective computing jest dynamicznie rozwijającą się gałęzią informatyki, angażującą zdobycze technologii do tworzenia inteligentnych środowisk użytkownika, które są zdolne do przetwarzania informacji o charakterze afektywnym. Gry komputerowe projektowane w ramach tego paradygmatu, wskazują na interesujący kierunek rozwoju branży produkcji gier. W oparciu o zaproponowane przez Bj\"orka i Holopainena wzorce w projektowaniu gier (\textit{game design patterns}) możliwa jest identyfikacja i świadome stosowanie wzorców w celu podniesienia satysfakcji gracza. Spośród zasugerowanych przez autorów wzorców, można wyróżnić takie, które wprowadzonie do gry może wywołać u gracza reakcje emocjonalne. Niniejsza praca stanowi opis próby implementacji wybranych wzorców afektywnych w grze komputerowej.Affective computing is a dynamically evolving branch of computers studies, which incorporates achievements of technology to create intelligent user environments that are capable of affective data. Computer games design within this paradigm indicate an interesting trend to follow in game development. Bj\"ork and Holopainen propose a collection of game design patterns, which can be used in the design process to create games with enhanced gaming experience. Among the suggested patterns, one can identify a subset of patterns that may elicit some affective response from the player. This thesis covers the results of an attempt to implement affective design patterns in a computer game

    Metaphorical thinking and moral cognition

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    Niniejsza praca stanowi omówienie relacji między myśleniem metaforycznym a poznaniem moralnym. Dokonano w niej prezentacji teorii poznania moralnego opartej o językoznawstwo kognitywne autorstwa Johnsona (1993) i zestawiono ją z innymi teoriami moralności zorientowanymi kognitywistycznie. Poddano analizie wyniki badań przeprowadzanych w ramach dyscyplin kognitywistycznych, odnosząc je do problematyki poznania moralnego w ujęciu koncepcji Lakoffa i Johnsona (1988). Wskazano mocne i słabe strony teorii Johnsona. Sformułowano także ogólne wnioski odnośnie do znaczenia myślenia metaforycznego i wyobraźni dla poznania moralnego.The purpose of this paper is to describe relation between metaphorical thinking and moral cognition. It presents the Johnson's moral cognition theory as based on cognitive linguistics (1993) in comparison cognitive theories. It analyses data from cognitive science's research, with reference to moral cognition as viewed by Lakoff and Johnson (1988). It points out the strengthts and weaknesses of Johnson's theory. More general conclusions regarding metaphorical thinking and imagination in moral cognition are drawn

    Emotion in models meets emotion in design : building true affective games

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    A relatively new field of research on affective gaming suggests applying affective computing solutions to develop games that can interact with the player on the emotional level. To bring together selected models of affect and affect-driven frameworks developed to date, we propose an approach based on affective design patterns. We build on the assumption that player's emotional reactions to in-game events can be evoked by patterns used early in the design phase. We provide description of experiments conducted to test our hypothesis so far, along with some tentative observations, and opportunities for further studies

    Mieszaniny do żywienia pozajelitowego

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    Affective design patterns in computer games : scrollrunner case study

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    The emotional state of the user is a new dimension in human-computer interaction, that can be used to improve the user experience. This is the domain of affective computing. In our work we focus on the applications of affective techniques in the design of video games. We assume that a change in the affective condition of a player can be detecte based on the monitoring of physiological signals following the James - Lange theory of emotions. We propose the use of game design patterns introduced by Björk and Holopainen to build games. We identify a set of patterns that can be considered affective. Then we demonstrate how these patterns can be used in a design of a scroll - runner game. We address the problem of the calibration of measurements in order to reflect responses of individual users. We also provide results of practical experiments to verify our approach